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Homeopathy Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis

What is Cervical Spondylosis  ?

Cervical spondylosis is a condition that causes deterioration of the vertebrae, discs, and ligaments  in the neck or cervical spine. It is also known as arthritis of the neck, cervical osteoarthritis, or degenerative osteoarthritis.


Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis

  • Feeling of pain and stiffness in nape of neck and shoulders which may extend down the arms to fingers.

  • Occipital headache (in the back of head), which may even extend to eyes.

  • Symptoms of cervical radiculopathy such as numbness and weakness in the arms, hands, and fingers.

  • Nausea and vomiting can also occur.

  • Dizziness or vertigo can be present.

  • There may be noises in ears/tinnitus. 

  • On turning your neck there might be popping or grinding sound.

What are the Causes and Risk Factors of Cervical Spondylosis ?

  • Genetics—a family history of neck pain and spondylosis

  • Postural imbalance: Disc bulge due to wrong sitting posture

  • Previous injury or trauma to the neck

  • Age-related degenerative changes - The condition is extremely common in patients who are middle-aged and older( > 40 yrs mostly)

  • Wear and tear of the cervical spine

  • Hernitaed intervertebral disc & spurs (bony growth/a oesteophytes caused by degeneration of bony tissue) on vertebrae which compress the spinal nerve.

  • Occupation related: Jobs with lots of repetitive neck motion and overhead work, prolonged sitting in front of computer

  • Smoking

  • Depression or anxiety

Diagnosis for Cervical Spondylosis

To get a confirmed diagnosis of cervical spondylosis, further investigations such as :

1. X-ray

2. MRI

3. CT Scan need to be conducted.

Preventive Measures for Cervical Spondylosis


  • If you make certain lifestyle changes you can help to prevent Cervical Spondylosis 

  • Regular exercise (adding NECK exercises to routine) 

  • Correct posture while sitting.

  • Avoid strenuous work that puts stress/strain on the neck.

  • Avoid lifting heavy weights.

  • Neck massage and hot fomentation can help.

  • Avoid use of thick pillows under the head while sleeping.

What can Homeopathy do ?

Homeopathy aims to stimulate the immune system of your body. It helps to cure the main cause of problem. 
Homeopathic medicines helps to stop further progression of the degenerative changes in cervical spine. 
The compression of nerves are generally caused by the muscles and ligaments present around the area which cause pain. 

Homeopathy helps to decrease the stress of the muscles and ligaments and thus helps to reduce the inflammation of the muscles and also help to dissolve the bone spurs. 

The medicines give strength to the neck muscles and power to nerves. Thus pain, headache, vertigo, nausea, numbness in arm and fingers, etc are the symptoms which get better once the root cause of your pain is identified and corrected.

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Cervical Spondylosis 

Homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis help stop further progression of the degenerative changes in cervical spine.  

Medicines for cervical spondylosis treatment in homeopathy are: conium, gelsemium, silicea, calcarea phos, kalmia, ruta, cimicifuga, bryonia, rhus tox, hypericum, paris quadrifolia, etc.

The medicines can vary depending upon the cause, history and symptoms of the patient.
Below are few indicated medicines based on the peculiar symptoms.

1. Ruta Graveolens 


If you are suffering from pain in the nape of neck, feeling of stiffness and bruised pains along with weakness then homeopathic remedy for cervical spondylosis with stiffness is RUTA GRAVEOLENS. There is pain and stiffness in wrists and hands. The rheumatic pains gets increased in cold wet weather, after exertion, lying down, etc. Stiffness is so marked that it compells to move the limbs but motion increases the pain. 

2. Rhus Toxicodendron

If you have feeling of stiffness in the neck with crawling sensation in the tips of fingers then homeopathic remedy for cervical pain with strain is RHUS TOX. Neck pain is mostly due to over-straining or overuse of neck muscles. 
There is always a desire to do stretching, moving or giving massage to the neck which gives relief. Feeling of pain is mostly felt in the left shoulder and inner side of scapula.

Pain gets increased in cold weather, after getting wet, during rest, or lying on back or right side. 
You feel better in warm dry weather, after motion, rubbing, stretching limbs and on lying on hard surface.

3. Bryonia Alba

If there is neck pain that worsens with movement then homeopathic remedy for cervical spondylosis which works well is BRYONIA ALBA. There is painful stiffness of neck with numbness between scapulae or pain extending from left scapula to heart. Every spot is painful on pressure. There is swelling of joints. Vertigo with buzzing and roaring in the ears. 

Complaints get worse by least motion, heat, exertion, at morning, touch, etc. 
Taking rest, lying on painful part, cool open air, relieves the symptoms or pain.

4. Hypericum Perforatum

If your neck pain radiate to the shoulders and spine with sensitivity to touch then homeopathic remedy for cervical spondylosis  that works effectively is HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. There is a feeling of tingling, burning, numbness in hands with pressure along ulnar side of arm. Head feels heavy as if touched by icy cold hands. There is pain in toes and fingers especially in tips. Sharp pains shoot upwards along with pathway of nerves.

Pains get increased in cold and dampness, closed room, touch, etc and feels better by bending head backwards. There is vertigo with urging to urinate. 

It is indicated for treatment of cervical spondylosis resulting from injury.


5. Kalmia Latifolia 

If you suffer from neck pain along with tingling and pricking sensation in hands then homeopathic remedy for cervical spondylosis is KALMIA LATIFOLIA . 

Pain in the neck extends down to the shoulder blades or the arm (Deltoid rheumatism, especially right side ).
Rheumatic complaints shifts rapidly.

There are neuralgic and wandering pains associated with stiffness and numbness. Pains increase on becoming cold, motion, bending forward, sunrise to sunset. 

Pains get better by continued motion, recumbent posture, cloudy weather, etc. 
Tingling and numbness of the left arm (heart pains). There is rheumatism with heart disease.


6. Gelsemium 

If you suffer form cervical spondylosis with vertigo episodes then homeopathic remedy for cervical spondylosis with vertigo is GELSEMIUM. 

There is dizziness, dullness and drowsiness along with trembling. You have headache with muscular soreness of neck and shoulders and pain around occiput (back of head) with blurring of vision.

The vertigo episodes occur mostly while walking. Even movement of the head may lead to vertigo.There is loss of power of muscular control. 

There is pain in neck especially upper sternocleidomastoid muscles (one of the largest and most superficial cervical muscles, helps in rotation of the head to the opposite side and flexion of neck). 

Gelsemium is indicated when the pains increase in damp weather, before a thunderstorm, emotion or excitement, when thinking about the complaints.

Pains get better by continued motion, bending forward, profuse urination, open air, etc. 


7. Silicea

If your cervical pains begins at occiput (back of the head) and spreads over head to settle down over eyes then homeopathic remedy for cervical spondylosis that works well is SILICEA. There is vertigo from looking upwards and closing eyes. You feel headache by exertion, noise, cold air. 

You always feel cold and want to cover up warmly. There is roaring and hissing in ears with stiffness in neck. 
Pains increases in morning, cold, lying down, from washing, lying on left side, etc. 

You feel better by warmth, wrapping up your head, in hot weather, etc. 

8. Causticum

If you suffer from stiffness in neck that you could scarcely move the head then homeopathic remedy for cervical spondylosis which provides relief is CAUSTICUM.

There is paralytic feeling in the right hand with trembling. You might have paralysis of deltoid muscle and can not raise hand to head. There is numbness and fullness of hands while grasping anything. There is ringing and roaring in ears with deafness. Nausea and vomiting or blindness during headache is felt. Vertigo is felt during sleep, looking upwards and on stooping, etc. 

Pains increases in clear fine weather, cold air, while traveling. 
You feel better in warmth , heat of bed and in damp wet weather. 

9. Rhododendron

If you feel stiffness in nape of neck with sprained feeling in wrist then homeopathic remedy for cervical spondylosis which works well is RHODODENDRON. 

Your hands feel warm in cold weather and feet feel cold even in warm room or bed. There is tinnitus with vertigo, when lying in bed and better by moving about. Pains get increased before storm or thunderstorm, wind exposure, cold, etc and gets better by motion, warmth.


10. Paris Quadrifolia

If you feel sensation of weight and weariness (tiredness) in nape of neck and across the shoulders then homeopathic remedy for cervical spondylosis with weakness is PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 
There is violent pain on both sides of neck extending down to fingers. There is numbness of upper limbs with cold fingers. 

Occipital headache with feeling of weight is increased by thinking. There is vertigo on reading aloud. Pains increase on touch, thinking and gets better by pressure. 

Note : These are the indicated medicines and should be taken after advice of qualified Homeopathic Doctor. A constitutional medicine is prescribed according to case history and individualization of patient which stops further recurrence of Cervical Spondylosis

Click below to book appointment for the Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis :

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40 min session with Dr. Komal

  • What is a blister ?
    A blister may form when the skin has been damaged by friction or rubbing, heat, cold or chemical exposure. Fluid collects between the upper layers of skin (the epidermis) and the layers below (the dermis).
  • Is it better to pop a blister or leave it ?
    To heal properly, a blister should not be popped unless medically necessary. If popped, the excess skin should not be removed because the skin underneath needs that top layer to heal properly. The only reason to pop a blister is when pressure will cause the blister to spread; if the blister is not going to spread due to pressure, leave it alone.
  • How do you heal blisters?
    You should leave a blister intact because an open blister can become infected. Covering your blister with an adhesive bandage can help protect your blister while it heals. If you leave a blister alone, it may eventually harden and disappear. Homeopathic medicine help to absorb the fluid and heal it quickly.
  • How long does it take for a blister to heal?
    A blister usually takes around 1–2 weeks to heal. Usually, the fluid will drain away during the first few days. Using Homeopathy in such cases can fasten the healing in 3 - 4 days.
  • Do blisters go away on their own?
    Yes, Most blisters will heal on their own. As the new skin grows beneath the blister, the fluid will slowly disappear and the skin will naturally dry and peel off.
  • What is the fluid in a blister?
    A blister is a small pocket of body fluid (lymph, serum, plasma, blood, or pus) within the upper layers of the skin.
  • Is it normal for a blister to refill?
    Popping a blister is a bad idea as a blister will remain open and painful and may get infected. To make matters worse, a popped blister may refill with fluid, which is the worst scenario. Whole healing process has to start from beginning itself.
  • What are causes of blister formation?
    Some common causes of blisters include: - Ill-fitting shoes - Friction - Scalds or burns - Severe sunburn - Allergic reaction to irritants - Viral skin infection (such as herpes or warts) - Fungal skin infection (such as tinea on the soles of the feet or between the toes).
  • What medical conditions cause blisters?
    A number of medical conditions can cause blisters, such as : Chickenpox The rash forms small blisters that eventually scab over. Herpes: The cold sores produced by the herpes simplex virus are clusters of blisters. Bullous impetigo: Mostly seen in children under 2 years, blisters can form on the arms, legs, or trunk. Eczema Blistering can occur alongside a number of other skin symptoms such as cracking, crusting, and flaking. Dyshidrosis/Pompholyx : A skin condition characterized by a rapid occurrence of many small, clear blisters. Bullous pemphigoid An autoimmune disease that affects the skin and causes blisters, this is most common in older patients. Pemphigus A rare group of autoimmune diseases, this affects the skin and mucous membranes. The immune system attacks an important adhesive molecule in the skin, detaching the epidermis from the rest of the layers of skin Dermatitis herpetiformis This chronic blistering skin condition is unrelated to herpes but similar in appearance. Cutaneous radiation syndrome: These are the effects of exposure to radiation. Epidermolysis bullosa: This is a genetic disease of the connective tissue that causes blistering of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • What is blood blister?
    A blood blister usually forms when a minute blood vessel close to the surface of the skin ruptures (breaks), and blood leaks into a tear between the layers of skin. This can happen if the skin is crushed, pinched or aggressively squeezed.
  • What is a frostbite?
    A condition in which skin and the tissue just below the skin freeze. Frostbite mostly affects small, exposed body parts such as fingers and toes in extreme cold temperatures. Frostbite also produces blisters. In this case the blister is a defense mechanism deployed to protect lower levels of skin from temperature-related damage.
  • How do you treat a scald blister?
    Scald burns take time to heal.If the blister breaks, clean the burn area carefully with warm water and mild soap. Apply dressing. Homeopathic remedies like Cantharis if used early will prevent the formation of blisters. This is the most used remedy for scalds, burn and sunburns with vesicular character, blisters and superficial ulceration.
  • How do you tell if a blister is infected?
    If there is tenderness or redness in the skin around the blister, or the fluid starting to look yellowish or like pus and there is offensive smell in discharge. This indicates infection and a local crust may form.
  • What does a Herpes sore look like?
    Herpes sores can affect many areas of the body, including the mouth, genitals, and eyes. These sores look like blisters filled with fluid. Over a few days, the sores break open, ooze, and form a crust before healing. People may also notice a tingling, itching, or burning feeling a few days before the sores appear.
  • What causes blisters on your private parts?
    Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). This STD causes herpetic sores, which are painful blisters (fluid-filled bumps) that can break open and ooze fluid.
  • What is Autoimmune blistering disorder?
    Autoimmune blistering disorders are a group of rare skin diseases. They happen when your immune system attacks your skin and mucous membranes -- the lining inside your mouth, nose, and other parts of your body. This causes blisters to form. For eg. Pemphigus, bullous pemphigoid, etc.
  • Why do shoes cause blisters?
    These are caused due to Friction as tight fitting shoes may lead to repetitive abrasion.
  • How do you stop a blister from forming?
    Friction blisters are best prevented by removing the cause of the friction. Wear well-fitted comfortable footwear and clean socks. Avoid prolonged exposure to chemicals/cosmetics/detergents. Use gloves, etc. Avoid going in extreme temperatures.
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