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Homeopathy Treatment for White Discharge / Leucorrhoea

Writer's picture: Dr. Komal GautamDr. Komal Gautam

Updated: Dec 28, 2019

Leucorrhoea is a thick, whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge which can be thick, sticky or watery.

According to Tabers medical dictionary leucorrhoea is defined as a white, estrogen-related, scant-to-moderate, odorless, physiological vaginal discharge, normally preceding menarche and occurring during ovulation, during pregnancy, and in response to sexual excitement.

Slight vaginal discharge is normal but it becomes a matter of concern when it is excessive in quantity with offensive smell and cause pain or discomfort or even hamper day to day life activities.

Types of White Discharge

Leucorrhoea is classified mainly into two types :

1) Physiological Leucorrhoea

Physiological leucorrhoea is natural defense mechanism that the vagina uses to maintain its chemical balance, as well as to preserve the flexibility of the vaginal tissue. The term "physiological leucorrhoea" is used to refer to leucorrhea due to estrogen stimulation. It sometimes occurs before a girl has her first period, and is considered a sign of puberty.

Leucorrhoea may occur normally during sexual excitement, during pregnancy it is caused by increased blood-flow to the vagina due to increased estrogen.

Female infants may have leucorrhoea for a short time after birth due to their in-uterine exposure to estrogen (from mother).

2) Pathological Leucorrhoea

Pathological Leucorrhoea is a discharge occurring due to disease or malfunction of the female reproductive tract.

Inflammatory leucorrhoea may also result from inflammation or congestion of the vaginal mucosa.

In cases where it is yellowish or gives off an offensive odour it can be (aerobic vaginitis) or STD (sexually transmitted disease).

After delivery, leucorrhoea may be accompanied by backache and foul-smelling lochia (post-partum vaginal discharge, containing blood, mucus, and placental tissue) may suggest the failure of involution (the uterus returning to pre-pregnancy size) due to infection.

Symptoms of White Discharge

- The most important symptom of leuchorroea is thick or thin whitish sticky vaginal discharge.

- If the leuchorroea is caused due to an infection, the discharge is yellowish or greenish in colour and has a very foul smell.

- The patient with leuchorrea usually presents with excessive itching, soreness and swelling.

- Presence of white discharge is noticed on the undergarments.

- Pain in the low back, abdomen, calf and thigh muscles is also one of the important characteristic symptom of leuchorroea.

- Burning in the genital tract, with burning urination and frequent urge to urinate.

- Patient presents with Weakness, lethargy due to profuse discharge.

- Painful sexual activity (dyspareunia) may be due to intense burning and soreness of the genital tract.

- Constipation.

- Frequent Headaches.

Causes of White Discharge

There are following causes that may stimulate excess vaginal discharge.

1. Estrogen Imbalance

Estrogen, or oestrogen, is the primary female sex hormone. It is responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics.

There are many causes of leucorrhoea, the usual one being estrogen imbalance.

The loss of estrogen also contributes to changes in the vaginal pH.

This change can increase the risk of vaginal infections such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis leading to symptoms such as Excess vaginal discharge.

2. Infections

The amount of discharge may increase due to vaginal infection, and it may disappear and reappear from time to time. This discharge can keep occurring for years, in which case it becomes more yellow and foul-smelling.

Infection can occur due to following reasons :

2.I. From Fungus:

A vaginal yeast infection, also known as CANDIDIASIS, is a common condition.

Candida albicans can easily flourish in moist circumstances and is commonly promoted by synthetic undergarments and poor hygienic condition.

This causes intense itching, swelling, and irritation, swelling around the vagina, burning during urination , pain during sex, soreness, redness, rash, etc.

Discharge : Whitish-gray and clumpy vaginal discharge . Sometimes the discharge looks like cottage cheese.

2.II. From Parasites:

Protozoa Trichomonas vaginalis causes the Trichomoniasis which is sexually transmitted infection of the urogenital tract and is a common cause of vaginitis in women.

Common symptoms of this disease are burning sensation, itching .

Discharge: The discharge is of frothy substance, thick, white or yellow mucous.

2.III. From Bacteria (Bacterial Vaginosis) :

Gardnerella vaginalis and chlamydia are the prime causes in bacterial infections.

Discharge : Common symptoms include increased vaginal discharge that often smells like fish.

The discharge is usually yellow, white or gray in color.

Burning with urination may occur.

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV ) is caused by an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina.

Also, it is frequently seen in venereal diseases like gonorrhoea, syphilis, and AIDS.

3. Injury

Injury to the vagina or cervix or womb during childbirth, abortion, or excessive sexual indulgence can cause erosion and infections with discharges.

4. Poor Hygienic Conditions

Non hygienic measures, especially during periods, can create infection and cause leucorrhoea.

Diabetes and anaemia may provoke infections due to weakened immunity among many females.

5. Irritation of IUCD

If irritation persists after insertion of IUCD (Intra uterine contraceptive device) it can cause pain and discharges.

6. Use of Sprays and Jellies(Spermicides)

Sprays used by males for provoking sexual act and jellies, drugs taken by females to kill sperms to avoid conception can also irritate and initiate the infection process leading to leucorrhoea.

Diagnosis for White Discharge

Diagnosis is based on symptoms of discharge.

Leucorrhoea can be confirmed by finding >10 WBC under a microscope when examining vaginal fluid.

Health Advice and Prevention Tips

• Plenty of water and juices to avoid urinary tract infection.

• Take nutritious diet.

• Wash genitals everyday.

• Wear dry and clean undergarments.

• Avoid sexual activity during discharge.

• Avoid the usage of sprays, deodorants, and strong vaginal wash,etc.

Complications of White Discharge / Leucorrhoea

1. Chronic infection if left untreated causes congestion of the uterus or ovary or pelvis, leading to heavy menstrual flow .

2. It acts as a precursor of pelvic inflammatory diseases(PID), infection of fallopian tube and ovaries which mostly result in pelvic adhesions and fallopian tube adhesions which may obstruct tubes and may cause infertility.

3. White discharges in late fertile period or after menopause should always be checked for it may indicate risk of cervix cancer.

4. Urinary tract infections may occur repeatedly.

What can Homoeopathy do?

Homeopathic treatment for White discharge stimulates the immune system and helps to normalize the excessive secretions. It acts on curing the root cause of the vaginal discharge.

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. This holistic approach treats the symptoms of illness as well cure the underlying cause of the illness. Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural system of healing that works with your body to relieve symptoms, restore itself, and improve your overall health.

Leucorrhoea is only a symptom and we need to cure its cause which may be hormonal issue, bacterial of fungal infection, weakness due to diabetes, anaemia or other wasting disease.

The homeopathic medicine for leucorrhoea are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution, etc.

Homeopathic treatment for White discharge helps to restore the normal vaginal pH and maintain the normal secretions of vulva and vagina. Homeopathic treatment provides quick healing and antiseptic action in cases of injury (injury to vagina or uterus after childbirth or after abortion).

Homeopathy Medicine for White Discharge / Leucorrhoea

1. Homeopathy Medicine for Leucorrhoea in GIRLS of Age below 12 Years

If suffering from yellow or creamy vaginal discharge which is acrid and burning in nature, then homeopathic medicine PULSATILLA can work like wonders. PULSATILLA can also be used when you often feel thirst-less and cold.

If the vaginal discharge in weak young girls is excessive in quantity (lots of mucus come out of vagina) and discharge is acrid in nature then homeopathic medicine CAULOPHYLLUM can help to cure it.

Homeopathic remedy CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA works well in little anemic girls who feel weakness. Leucorrhoea is like white of egg and is more during morning.

When little girls suffer with frequent urination along with leucorrhoea then homeopathic remedy CUBEBA OFFICINALIS works well. There is much mucus and leucorrhoea is yellow or greenish, very acrid, and of offensive odour.

Homeopathic remedy SEPIA is indicated for severe leucorrhoea in little girls with itching.

2. Homeopathy Medicine for Leucorrhoea with Anaemia and Weakness

Homeopathic remedy CINCHONA OFFICINALIS works well where the vaginal discharge is very offensive and blood-stained with great debility. Bloody leucorrhoea, seems to take place of the usual menstrual discharge.

When the leucorrhoea is gushing out with yellow-white or transparent mucus with great weakness then homeopathic remedy STANNUM METALLICUM can be helpful.

Homeopathic remedy NATRUM MURIATICUM is well indicated when the vaginal discharge thick white, transparent/watery with itching in the vulva. Bearing down pains increases in morning and walking worsens the discharge. Anemia and headache accompany the discharge.

If there is watery discharge instead of menses then homeopathic remedy SILICEA works well.

The discharge is milky white in colour and is very acrid in nature and gets increased during urination.

3. Homeopathy Medicine for Acrid/acidic Discharge causing Violent Itching

Homeopathic remedy IODIUM works well in cases of leucorrhea where the discharges are so acrid/acidic that they make holes in the undergarments and causes irritation at thighs. The discharge increases during menses.

If acrid discharge is like the white of an egg and there is sensation as if warm water is flowing with excessive itching then Homeopathic remedy BORAX can be of great help. Sometimes the discharge can be transparent or albuminous like boiled starch. Such a discharge is worse mid-way between the menstrual cycle.

If the acrid greenish Leucorrhea occurs with intense itching and burning in parts that are worse at night then Homeopathic remedy MERCURIUS SOLUBIS can work well. Also the itching increases while urinating and the patient has to wash the private parts with cold water.

4. Homeopathy Medicine for Leucorrhea in Women at Menopause

Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles.

When the vaginal discharge is yellowish, acrid with severe itching at private parts then SEPIA OFFICINALIS can be of great help. There is bearing down sensations as if uterus would prolapse out of vagina.

Homeopathic remedy PSORINUM is indicated when the vaginal discharge is very offensive and there is severe back-pain and weakness. The discharge is very dirty, pus-like accompanied by itching.

In females who are obese and have a white vaginal discharge increases in morning on rising then homeopathic remedy GRAPHITES works well. There is profuse, thin, white, pale excoriating discharge along with pain at back. There is always a chilly feeling and female may be constipated.

Homeopathic remedy SANGUNARIA CANADENSIS is indicated for elderly females when the vaginal discharge continues even after complete cessation of menses.

5. Homeopathy Medicine for Leucorrhea with Backache

If leucorrhea is present along with constant throbbing at midpoint of lower back and lameness(rigidity) is felt in back accompanied by a thick, sticky, dark yellow and corroding vaginal discharge then homeopathic remedy AESCULUS can work well. The leucorrhea increases after menses.

Homeopathic remedy PSORINUM is indicated when the vaginal discharge is very offensive and there is severe back-pain and weakness. The discharge is very dirty, pus-like accompanied by itching.

Homeopathic remedy EUPIONUM is well indicated for backache with gushing leucorrhea that gets worse after menses. There is discharge of yellowish bland leucorrhoea. When pain in back stops, the discharge gushes out. It is a remedy for uterine displacement.

When the vaginal discharge is yellow with burning and itching in the vulva and the patient feels very chilly with severe backache then KALIUM CARBONICUM is well indicated. There is sharp, cutting pain in the lower back with a sensation as if the back would break. Leucorrhoea with violent labor-like pains in back is important symptom of this remedy.

6. Homeopathy Medicine for Leucorrhoea of White Color

When the vaginal discharge is thick,bland and of Milky White colour then we may think of homeopathic remedy KALIUM MURIATICUM.

Homeopathic remedy NATRUM MURIATICUM is well indicated when the vaginal discharge thick white, transparent/watery with itching in the vulva. Bearing down pains increases in morning and walking worsens the discharge.

If acrid discharge is like the white of an egg and there is sensation as if warm water is flowing with excessive itching then Homeopathic remedy BORAX can be of great help. Sometimes the discharge can be transparent or albuminous like boiled starch. Such a discharge is worse mid-way between the menstrual cycle.

In females who are obese and have a white vaginal discharge increases in morning on rising then homeopathic remedy GRAPHITES works well. There is profuse, thin, white, pale excoriating discharge along with pain at back. There is always a chilly feeling and female may be constipated.

7. Homeopathy Medicine for Leucorrhoea of Yellow Colour

When the female gets yellow, dark, lumpy leucorrhoea then we may think of homeopathic remedy CHAMOMILLA.

Homeopathic remedy ARSENIC ALBUM can be given when the leucorrhoea is thick , acrid and yellowish which increases on standing and on passing flatus.

When the vaginal discharge is thick, yellow and stringy, forming long strings that hang down then homeopathic remedy HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS works well. Such discharge gets worse after menses. Also there is some sort of liver complaint or constipation.

Homeopathic remedy NATRUM CARBONICUM is indicated when the Leucorrhea is thick yellow and very profuse and is accompanied by colicky pains in the abdomen before the discharge.

When the vaginal discharge is yellow in colour and very offensive with corrosive itching of the parts then homeopathic remedy KREOSOTUM well indicated. The discharge increases on standing and stiffens the undergarments and leave a yellow stain.

If there is yellow mucus in vaginal discharge which causes burning and itching then homeopathic remedy SULPHUR can be used.

8. Homeopathy Medicine for Leucorrhoea due to Fungal Infection ( Candida Albicans)

If leucorrhoea is sour, creamy, honey coloured then homeopathic remedy NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM can work wonders. The discharge is acidic and may lead to sterility.

Homeopathic remedy THUJA is well indicated when the discharge is thick, greenish with itching and increases on every menstrual period.

When leucorrhoea is acrid, thick like cream with pain in back and weakness then homeopathic remedy PULSATILLA can be helpful.

When the vaginal discharge is yellowish, acrid with severe itching at private parts then SEPIA OFFICINALIS can be of great help. There is bearing down sensations as if uterus would prolapse out of vagina. Leucorrhoea is yellowish, greenish, milky, in large lumps, sometimes occur instead of menses with pain in vagina. There is dryness of vagina.

9. Homeopathy Medicine for Leucorrhoea During Pregnancy

When the vaginal discharge is acrid, transparent, ropy, with burning sensation which gets better by washing with cold water then homeopathic remedy ALUMINA can be helpful. The leucorrhoea increases at daytime and after menses.

When the vaginal discharge is yellow in colour and very offensive with corrosive itching of the parts then homeopathic remedy KREOSOTUM well indicated. The discharge has odour of green corn and it increases on standing and stiffens the undergarments and leave a yellow stain. Sometimes the leucorrhoea is gushing like bloody water causing itching.

When the vaginal discharge is yellowish, acrid with severe itching at private parts then SEPIA OFFICINALIS can be of great help. There is bearing down sensations as if uterus would prolapse out of vagina. Leucorrhoea is yellowish, greenish, milky, in large lumps, sometimes occur instead of menses with pain in vagina. There is dryness of vagina.

10. Homeopathy Medicine for Leucorrhoea due to Sexual Excitement

Homeopathic remedy CANTHARIS is indicated for leucorrhoea with sexual excitement causing itching and masturbation.

If leucorrhoea is like White of an egg and increases only during day with sexual desire then homeopathic remedy PLATINA can be helpful. There is severe itching.

Note : These are indicated medicines and should be taken after advice of qualified Homeopathic Doctor. A constitutional medicine is prescribed according to case history and individualization of patient which stops further recurrence of white discharge / Leucorrhoea

Why Choose Homeopathy Online for Treatment of White Discharge / Leucorrhoea ?

With Homeopathy Online , during your first online consultation, case history is taken which includes your present main complaint, duration of the symptoms, family history,  mental symptoms, any treatment if you have undergone before. Also, we take into account the overall picture of patient – the emotional makeup and general health, the type of illness and specific “modalities” that make the symptoms better or worse. In this way we individualize one patient from another, hence the medicine is then prescribed.

After the consultation, finally we provide you the required steps which you need to take to get rid of the problem from its root cause : 

1. The medicine prescription, if medicines are required to be taken

2. Diet Chart 3. Exercise 4. Weekly or Monthly follow up, depending upon the severity of  problem

To book appointment for the Treatment of White Discharge / Leucorrhoea, please visit at -> https://www.homoeopathy-online.com/book-appointment

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